Sunday, September 29, 2013

Understanding Coupon Lingo! What are ECBs? What does DND mean? Is this even English?

There are a lot of things that you need to know when you first start couponing, and one is all of the abbreviations and terms/lingo that come along with the territory!  

When texting was first getting popular, I remember everyone freaking out about the abbreviations and "text slang" - heck, I still have to google what people mean sometimes when they send me "ROTFLMAO".  Uhhhh what?  

But no need to worry!  When you see a breakdown and the couponer is talking about their "MM" purchase, or their "ECBs" and "OOP", you will know right where to come to!  Your trusty coupon dictionary!  Here I have put together a list of the most common and frequent terms, abbreviations, and codes that you might find on coupon forums, facebook, or even here on my blog.  If there are some I missed, let me know!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Stock-Up Price on Peanut Butter & Jelly at Walgreens!!

Many of you know how much I love stock-up prices on anything that is used frequently in our household.... Well, Starting this Sunday (9/29) it's PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!!

Seriously, if you don't get that joke, you need to click here and amuse yourself for a second or two...

BUT!  Aside from dancing bananas, I am here to tell you about the Skippy peanut butter that you can grab at Walgreens this week for $1, and Welch's Jelly you can grab for only $1.50!!  Yup, only $1 or $1.50 a jar sounds pretty awesome to me, and even makes a great donation to your local charities, schools, and food pantries! Also, those of you who need "filler" items for WAG RR, this is a great option for you!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Coupon Preview Week of 9/29/13!!

So we already know from the insert preview I posted that this week we are getting one Red Plum and one Smart Source insert this week.  Thanks to the lovely world wide web, we have a sneak preview of that insert here at The Savings Pro so you can plan ahead for maximum savings!

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND!!!! Coupon inserts and values differ from state to state, region to region, and even from paper to paper - this is merely a rough guideline to what you should see on Sunday.


Friday, September 20, 2013

Double Up! Understanding When "Do Not Double" STILL Doubles!

Ah, the beauty of a doubled coupon!

If you're like me, chances are you spend most of your time dreaming about a land where coupons are magically doubled and tripled, and envying the joyous couponers snatching up double deals!  Most of you know I live in sunny south Florida, and here we trade in double/triple coupon policies for sunshine and sandy shores... I guess some would consider it a fair trade!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Coupon Preview Week of 9/22/2013!

So we already know from the insert preview I posted that this week we are getting one Smart Source insert this week.  Thanks to the lovely world wide web, we have a sneak preview of that insert here at The Savings Pro so you can plan ahead for maximum savings!

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND!!!! Coupon inserts and values differ from state to state, region to region, and even from paper to paper - this is merely a rough guideline to what you should see on Sunday.

:: SmartSource Insert  - September 22, 2013::

Almay $1/1 cosmetics item (10/20) TARGET COUPON
Almay $3/2 cosmetics items (10/20) TARGET COUPON

Monday, September 16, 2013

7¢ for Baby Food at Publix - Don't Miss This 82% Savings!

Attention mommies!  Here is a way for you to feed your beautiful baby some of Beech Nut's finest food - for only 7¢ a jar! The deal is going on right now at Publix, so for those of you who live in double-coupon land - WOW!  You score even more!

Don't have a little one?  This item is at such a low cost that you could even choose to donate a bunch of jars to a family you know may need, a local food pantry, or church/organization! 
Here's how to do it!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

This Week's CVS Savings! What to expect week of 9/15/2013

What does the “Magic Coupon Machine” have in store for us this week? Here is a list of coupons reported to be printing from the ExtraCare Coupon Center when you scan your CVS ExtraCare card. These are CVS store coupons and can be stacked with manufacturer coupons! They vary by customer, so this is only a list of what you may receive. Additionally, be sure to check your online ExtraCare account for customized coupons!
Did you know!?! Sometimes the MCM doesn't print all of the available deals for your card in one swipe!  To be sure you have received all coupons available to your account, continue to re-scan your card until you see the message: “No coupons available–please check tomorrow.”
Keep your eyes peeled for our upcoming posts this week highlighting the best matchups and stacks for these coupons!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Thank You for Supporting Me! Here's a $5 gift card!

Before I start this blog post, I truly want to thank ALL of you for stopping by and supporting my savings blog.  I am so happy to be able to help others save, so keep sharing and telling others about this page - get everyone in on the money saving ideas!!


The one thing I might love just as much, or even MORE than saving myself, is helping others save just as much as I do.  There is something so awesome about seeing others get excited about savings they are able to achieve!  I love what I do! Okay, okay... Enough babbling with my random emotions (can you say pregnancy hormones?!)... Let's get to the savings! 

I am here to get you access to the newest savings technology, AND get you a FREE $5 gift card, no purchase necessary!

Here's the details, and what you do to get your $5 gift card!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

STOP! Why NOT to Throw Out Your Expired Coupons!

I know the feeling.... You spot a deal, remember you have a coupon for that brand in your stockpile and whip it out only to see..... Dangit!  I missed the expiration date!  From there you sulk like a sad schoolchild and feel couponer's remorse for missing a deal maturely throw away or toss your unused coupon in the recycling.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Coupon Preview week of 9/15/2013!

So we already know from the insert preview I posted that this week we are getting two inserts - one Red Plum and one Smart Source.  Thanks to the lovely world wide web, we have a sneak preview of that insert here at The Savings Pro so you can plan ahead for maximum savings!

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND!!!! Coupon inserts and values differ from state to state, region to region, and even from paper to paper - this is merely a rough guideline to what you should see on Sunday.

:: SmartSource Insert  - September 15, 2013

Arm & Hammer $1/2 liquid laundry detergents (11/15/13)
Campbell’s $.50/1 Homestyle soups (11/10/13)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Walgreens Steal - with NO Register Rewards or Points Needed!

Ladies and gentlemen of the savings world!  An amazing deal going on for the WHOLE MONTH at Walgreens!  Colgate Optic White mouth wash (yep, the good stuff!) can be scored for.....

Oh yes... free is what we LOVE here at the Savings Pro, so head over to Walgreens before September ends to score this deal (click read more to learn how!)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Couponing & Goal Setting

I am going to be a mom in January!  Yikes!  I am so nervous and excited and confused all wrapped up into one!  Incase you couldn't guess, I am a first-time mom!  When my boyfriend and I found out that we were pregnant, it came as a BIG shock!  We were not planning on having a child immediately, and knew we weren't in the best financial position to take on this immense of a responsibility!  Nevertheless, we are having a baby! 
I immediately started getting into "crunch" mode - when I found out I was pregnant we had less than 8 months to start saving and planning for this baby!  So I broke down a budget and a savings plan... And then it hit me.  Couponing.  I had been a couponer before, and then fell off the coupon train with 1,000 excuses and an "I don't need this anymore" attitude.  I basically got lazy.  See, I had originally started couponing out of financial necessity.  Once I was making plenty of money again bartending, I didn't really see the need to keep taking the time to coupon.  What a foolish mistake!  I could have all of that money that I could have saved in a savings account or put towards paying off student loans... But instead I was lazy, and admittedly so. 
I digress!! The point is, when I found out that this baby was coming, I realized what I should have been doing all along - couponing.  At first, my boyfriend thought that I was absolutely crazy - clipping coupons late into the night, and using both of our laptops to print off stacks of internet and store coupons.  Then he saw me come home from CVS with a pack of diapers, 7 tubes of Desitin, & 2 bottles each of baby wash and baby lotion (along with 2 bottles of mouthwash and two tubes of tootpaste) all while waving a CVS ECBs coupon worth $12. 

“Look babe!  I got all of this for only $16, and I got $12 in ECBs, so it’s like I paid $4 for all of this stuff!”  I quickly found my enthusiasm was NOT matched!  “No.  It’s like you paid $16 for stuff we won’t need for almost a year.”  Okay.  So admittedly the first trip didn’t go so well, and I ended up taking all of the items back to CVS (with my original receipt OF COURSE) and sulking the whole way home.  But I didn’t give up!  A week later I left Target with all of this for only 47¢, plus a $5 gift card.


“Look babe!” (how most of my childish braggy couponing moments with my boyfriend go) “I got all of this stuff for about 50¢ AND they gave me a gift card – so it’s like they paid me $4.50 to bring this all home!”  Now I saw a little light go off.  He was on board!  And I was excited!